Game - Sudoku 数独
Game - Sudoku
(Open Source, Free of charge, Virus Free, Multi-platform)
At the start of a new game, Sudoku fills in a random selection of cells for you - the number of cells depends on the difficulty level you use. Click in any of the empty cells or use the arrow keys to highlight individual cells and press a number from 1 to 9 to fill in the cell. To clear a cell, press 0, Delete, or Backspace. When you have successfully completed all subgrids, the entire puzzle is highlighted until you start a new game.
Game play: Fill-in number 1 to 9 in all the column and row without double entry.
在新游戏开始时,数独填补了随机选择的格子给您-格子的数量是你所选择的难度。单击空格或使用键盘方向键,然后按从 1到9的数字填写空格。要清除空格,按0,删除,或Backspace。当你成功完成所有空格,答案就会显示,直到你开始一个新游戏。
游戏方式: 在每个格子里填入1到9,每一列和行不能有重复的号码。
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