Screen Capture for Windows 屏幕抓取
Screen Capture for M/S-Windows System
Need to capture your current working screen shot from Windows 98, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7. It is free and simple. Just press [Ctrl + Print Screen] key on your keyboard. Then start any of your favorite software, for example Microsoft Paint. And then press [Ctrl + v] to paste captured screen shot into it.
p/s: [Print Screen] key normally located right above arrow key.
需要抓取你现在所看到的荧幕以便上传?只要你是使用视窗98,XP,2003,Vista,2008 或 7。你就可以免费抓取你的荧幕。你需要使用你的键盘,一起按下[Ctrl]和[Print Screen]键。再打开你喜爱的软件,譬如:Microsoft Paint(画图)。然后一起按下[Ctrl]和[v]以把抓取的荧幕粘贴在里面。就大功告成。
备注: [Print Screen]键通常在方向键上方。
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