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Internet Broadband Dialup Connection Setup 宽频网络设置

Aug 3, 2009 , Posted by Keanu Tan at Monday, August 03, 2009

Internet Broadband Dial-up Connection Setup
including ADSL/Streamyx
宽频网络设置 (包含ADSL/TMnet Streamyx)

For XP System: XP视窗设置:

[Start] -> [Control Panel] -> [Switch to Classical View](May be not available, if you are inside classical view) -> [Network Connections] -> [New Connection Wizard] -> [Next] -> [Connect to the Internet] -> [Setup my connection manually] -> [Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user name and password] -> ISP name (Fill in your broadband name) -> [Next] -> [Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop] -> [Finish]

To Dial-up:
[Start] -> [Connect To] -> [Broadband Connection] -> Key-in your user name and password -> [Connect]

Note 1 : Disconnection is not required for account with unlimited internet access.
Note 2 : Streamyx account user name should be end with "@streamyx". Eg. "username@streamyx"

For Vista System:


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